Revolutionising pet care

At Labrador, we know how impawtant your pets are.

We’re also aware of how eye-watering the cost of a visit to the vet can be. Labrador is revolutionising pet care with easy-to-use at-home health tests which help diagnose purr-cisely what’s wrong with your furry friend in a matter of minutes - all from the comfort of your home.

Using a simple, painless swab of saliva, vomit or stool sample, the Labrador tests provide accurate results quickly so you know when your pet needs a vet or just a few more belly rubs.

Labrador offers a smarter way to keep your furry friends fit and well. Ensuring you avoid unnecessary visits to the vet and only pay for diagnosis and treatment when your pet really needs it, Labrador saves you both time and money. Now that’s certainly not something not to be sniffed at!

Labrador’s products include user-friendly test kits with step-by-step instructions and expert support to ensure your pet is accurately diagnosed early, enabling your pet to receive the treatment they need, faster. The process is simple: choose your test, collect your sample and read your results.

Welcome to Labrador and unleash a smarter approach to pet care.